English version

Карты военных действий из англоязычных источников:

Оперативные карты боевых действий союзников в Западной Европе (Библиотека Конгресса США)

Атлас Второй Мировой войны: Азия и Тихий океан (Atlas of The Second World War: Asia and the Pacific. Wayne. 1985)

Атлас Второй Мировой войны (Atlas of World War II. Richard Natkiel. NY: Barnes & Noble Books, 2000)

Атлас военных действий союзников в Нормандии (Atlas of D-Day and the Normandy Campaign. John Man. 1994)

Военные действия на юго-западе Тихого океана, 1941-1945 гг. (Engineers of the Southwest Pacific. Washington. 1947)

Советско-Германская война 1941-1945: Мифы и реалии (The Soviet-German War 1941-1945. D. Glantz, 2001)

Крупнейшее поражение Жукова: Катастрофа Красной Армии в операции Марс 1942 г. (Д. Гланц. - М.:АСТ, 2006)

Книги издательства Osprey Publishing:

Серия "Военные кампании" (Campaign Series, Osprey Publishing):

Серия "Боевой порядок" (Battle Orders / Order of Battle Series, Osprey Publishing):

Серия "Важнейшие исторические факты" (Essential Histories Series, Osprey Publishing)

Серия "Фортификация" (Fortress Series, Osprey Publishing)

Серия "Элита" (Elite Series, Osprey Publishing)

Серия "Боец" (Warrior Series, Osprey Publishing)


Карты военных действий из русскоязычных источников


Атлас Второй Мировой войны: Азия и Тихий океан

Atlas of The Second World War: Asia and the Pacific. Wayne, NJ: SquareOne Publishing Group, Inc., 1985


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Карты из этого атласа в формате JPEG можно найти на сайте военной академии West Point, а также на сайте Military.com.


Европейский театр военных действий (83 листа):

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Лист 1. National Realignments from World War I (1919-1929)

Лист 2. German Expansion (1936-1939)

Лист 3. Campaign in Poland (1939)

Лист 4. Campaign in Poland (31 August 1939)

Лист 5. Campaign in Poland (1 September 1939)

Лист 6. Campaign in Poland (1 - 14 September 1939)

Лист 7. Campaign in Poland (1939)

Лист 8. Campaign in Norway (9 April - May 1940)

Лист 9. Campaign in the West (October 1939 - January 1940)

Лист 10. Campaign in the West (1940)

Лист 11. Campaign in the West (10 - 16 May 1940)

Лист 12. Campaign in the West (16 - 21 May 1940)

Лист 13. Campaign in the West (21 May - 4 June 1940)

Лист 14. Campaign in the West (4 June - 12 June 1940)

Лист 15. Campaign in the West (13 - 25 June 1940)

Лист 16. Russo-Finnish War (December 1939 - January 1940)

Лист 17. Campaign in the Balkans (April 1941)

Лист 18. Campaign in the Balkans (20 May 1941)

Лист 19. German Invasion (22 June - 25 August 1941)

Лист 20. German Invasion (26 August - 5 December 1941)

Лист 21. Soviet Winter Offensive (6 December 1941 - 7 May 1942)

Лист 22. German Summer Offensive (7 May - 23 July 1942)

Лист 23. German Summer Offensive (24 July - 18 November 1942)

Лист 24. Soviet Winter Offensive (19 November - 12 December 1942)

Лист 25. Soviet Winter Offensive (13 December 1942 - 18 February 1943)

Лист 26. Soviet Winter Offensive (19 February - 18 March 1943)

Лист 27. German Summer Offensive (4 July - 1 August 1943)

Лист 28. Soviet Offensives (17 July - 1 December 1943)

Лист 29. Soviet Offensives (2 December 1943 - 30 April 1944)

Лист 30. Soviet Offensives (22 June - 19 August 1944)

Лист 31. Soviet Offensives (19 August - 31 December 1944)

Лист 32. Soviet Offensives (12 January - 30 March 1945)

Лист 33. Operations in Egypt and Libya

Лист 34. Operations in Egypt and Libya (13 September 1940 - 15 June 1941)

Лист 35. Operations in Egypt and Libya (18 November 1941 - 7 July 1942)

Лист 36. Operations in Egypt and Libya (26 - 27 May 1942)

Лист 37. Operations in Egypt and Libya (12 - 13 June 1942)

Лист 38. Campaign in Northwest Africa (8 November 1942 - February 1943)

Лист 39. Campaign in Northwest Africa (11 - 17 November 1942)

Лист 40. Campaign in Northwest Africa (17 November 1942 - 14 February 1943)

Лист 41. Campaign in Northwest Africa (14 - 22 February 1943)

Лист 42. Campaign in Northwest Africa (26 February - 3 May 1943)

Лист 43. Geography and Coalitions, Europe and the Middle East

Лист 44. Geography and Coalitions, Pacific and the Far East

Лист 45. Campaign in Sicily (10 July 1943)

Лист 46. Campaign in Sicily (11 July - 17 August 1943)

Лист 47. Allied Invasion of Italy and Initial Advances (25 September 1943)

Лист 48. Allied Invasion of Italy and Initial Advances ( 17 January - 11 May 1944)

Лист 49. Operations at Anzio and Cassino (17 January - 19 February 1944)

Лист 50. Operations at Anzio and Cassino (18 - 30 May 1944)

Лист 51. Allied Offensives in Italy (5 June - 31 December 1944)

Лист 52. Allied Offensives in Italy (1 - 20 April 1944)

Лист 53. OVERLORD Plan for Invasion of France (6 June 1944)

Лист 54. Allied Landing in Normandy and Beachhead Expansion (6 June 1944)

Лист 55. Allied Landing in Normandy and Beachhead Expansion (6 - 12 June 1944)

Лист 56. Allied Landing in Normandy and Beachhead Expansion, VII Corps D-Day Operations (6 June 1944)

Лист 57. Allied Landing in Normandy and Beachhead Expansion, V Corps D-Day Operations (6 June 1944)

Лист 58. Allied Landing in Normandy and Beachhead Expansion (13 - 20 June 1944)

Лист 59. Allied Landing in Normandy and Beachhead Expansion (1 - 24 July 1944)

Лист 60. Allied Gains in Europe (1944)

Лист 61. Campaign in Northern France (24 - 25 July 1944)

Лист 62. Campaign in Northern France (25 - 29 July 1944)

Лист 63. Campaign in Northern France (25 - 31 July 1944)

Лист 64. Campaign in Northern France (1 - 13 August 1944)

Лист 65. Campaign in Northern France (14 - 25 August 1944)

Лист 66. Campaign in Northern France (26 August - 14 September 1944)

Лист 67. Campaign in Southern France (15 - 28 August 1944)

Лист 68. Allied Operations Against the West Wall (15 September - 15 December 1944)

Лист 69. Allied Operations Against the West Wall (15 September - 7 November 1944)

Лист 70. Allied Operations Against the West Wall (8 November - 15 December 1944)

Лист 71. Allied Operations Against the West Wall (15 December 1944)

Лист 72. German Ardennes Counter-Offensive (16 - 25 December 1944)

Лист 73. German Ardennes Counter-Offensive (16 January 1945)

Лист 74. German Ardennes Counter-Offensive (7 February 1945)

Лист 75. German Ardennes Counter-Offensive (16 December 1944 - 9 February 1945)

Лист 76. The Rhineland Campaign (8 February - 10 March 1945)

Лист 77. The Rhineland Campaign (8 February - 21 March 1945)

Лист 78. Allied Gains in Europe (15 December 1944 - 7 May 1945)

Лист 79. Allied Advances (22 - 28 March 1945)

Лист 80. Allied Advances (29 March - 4 April 1945)

Лист 81. Allied Advances (5 - 18 April 1945)

Лист 82. Allied Advances (19 April - 7 May 1945)

Лист 83. Allied Occupation Zones (1945)


Тихоокеанский театр военных действий (52 листа):

[DjVu] [HTML] Условные обозначения на картах

Лист 1. The Far East and the Pacific, 1941

Лист 2. Imperial Powers in the Far East, 1939

Лист 3. China, 1941

Лист 4. Plans and Forces at the Beginning of the War, 1941

Лист 5. Plans and Forces at the Beginning of the War, December 1941

Лист 6. General Outline of Centrifugal Offensive, December 1941

Лист 7. Centrifugal Offensive, Malaya

Лист 8. Centrifugal Offensive, The Philippines

Лист 9. Centrifugal Offensive, The Philippines

Лист 10. Centrifugal Offensive, East Indies

Лист 11. Centrifugal Offensive, Burma

Лист 12. Centrifugal Offensive, Southwest Pacific

Лист 13. Operation of Aircraft Carrier Forces, 7 December 1941 - 18 April 1942

Лист 14. Operation of Aircraft Carrier Forces, 7 December 1941 - 12 March 1942

Лист 15. Battles of Coral Sea and Midway, 1942

Лист 16. Allied Theater Organization, 2 July 1942

Лист 17. Guadalcanal Campaign, 1942

Лист 18. Papuan Campaign, 1942

Лист 19. Papuan Campaign, 1942

Лист 20. CARTWHEEL Operations, 30 June 1943 - 26 April 1944

Лист 21. CARTWHEEL Operations, 1943 - 1944

Лист 22. Allied Strategic Concept, 1943

Лист 23. Allied Invasion of Gilberts, 1943

Лист 24. Allied Invasion of Marshalls, 1944

Лист 25. Allied seizure of Marianas and New Guinea, 22 April - 19 June 1944

Лист 26. Allied seizure of Marianas and New Guinea, 21 July - 8 August 1944

Лист 27. Allied seizure of Marianas and New Guinea, 30 July - 22 September 1944

Лист 28. Allied seizure of Marianas and New Guinea, 1944

Лист 29. Invasion of Leyte, 17 - 25 October 1944

Лист 30. Invasion of Leyte, 17 October - 30 December 1944

Лист 31. The Luzon Campaign, 13 December 1944 - 24 January 1945

Лист 32. The Luzon Campaign, 9 January 1945

Лист 33. The Luzon Campaign, 9 January - 4 February 1945

Лист 34. The Luzon Campaign, 3 February - 20 July 1945

Лист 35. Liberation of Southern Philippines, 1945

Лист 36. China, 1920 - 1950

Лист 37. Japanese Territory Seized Prior to July 1937 and Major Drives in 1937

Лист 38. Japanese Advances, 1938 - 1939

Лист 39. Allied Theater Organization, 30 March - 6 August 1942

Лист 40. Allied Lines of Communication, 1942 - 1943

Лист 41. Allied Third Burma Campaign, October 1943 - May 1944

Лист 42. Allied Third Burma Campaign, June 1944 - May 1945

Лист 43. Japanese Operation ICHIGO, April - December 1944

Лист 44. Allied Third Burma Campaign, April - May 1945

Лист 45. Japanese Operation ICHIGO, 1945

Лист 46. Summary of Allied Campaigns, February, 1945

Лист 47. Invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, 1945

Лист 48. Invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, 1 April 1945

Лист 49. Invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, 9 April - 30 June 1945

Лист 50. Allied Plan for the Invasion of Japan

Лист 51. Bombing of Japanese Cities

Лист 52. Areas Under Allied and Japanese Control, August 1945



Атлас Второй Мировой войны

Atlas of World War II. Richard Natkiel. NY: Barnes & Noble Books, 2000


Большое спасибо Дмитрию aka Mitrich.ID за предоставленные электронные версии книг. Карты в формате DjVu. Размер файлов до 300 КБ.


Index (С.190)

Blitzkrieg (С.10)

Лист 1. Germany’s expansion by August 1939 (С.12)

Лист 2. Detail showing the recently annexed Rhineland and Sudetenland (С.12)

Лист 3. The Nazi thrust into Poland, early September 1939 (С.14)

Лист 4. Russia counterattacks, mid to late September 1939 (С.14)

Лист 5. The partition of Poland as agreed by Germany and Russia (С.14)

Лист 6. The Reich expands to the north and east (С.16)

Лист 7. German forces forge through Denmark and make six simultaneous landings in Norway (С.16)

Лист 8. Belgium - German and Allied plans. Thrust and counterthrust at the Belgian border (С.18)

Лист 9. Belgium - disposition of forces in 1939. The forces of the Reich mass at the Siegfried Line (С.19)

Лист 10. German forces pour into the Low Countries (С.20)

Лист 11. The Panzer thrust to the Meuse (С.21)

Лист 12. Germany expands westwards to the Channel coast (С.22)

Лист 13. Belgium - overrun. The Allied front line contracts as France and Belgium are overrun (С.22)

Лист 14. Belgium - overrun. The Allies prepare to evacuate as Germans advance (С.23)

Лист 15. France divided under Nazi and Vichy rule (С.23)

Лист 16. German vacillation and the spirited defense of Calais gave the Allies time to evacuate from Dunkirk (С.24)

Лист 17. The German sweep southwards through France that resulted in the 22 June armistice. Note Italian incursions from the southeast (С.25)

Лист 18. The stage is set for the Battle of Britain, 1940 (С.27)

Лист 19. Yugoslavia falls in the face of pressure from Germany, Hungary and Italy, April 1941 (С.29)

Лист 20. Italian attacks and Greek counteroffensives, winter 1940-41 (С.30)

Лист 21. The British evacuate the Greek mainland as Axis forces thrust southwards (С.31)


The War in Northern Waters (С.32)

Лист 22. Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939 - May 1940 (С.34)

Лист 23. Battle of the Atlantic, June 1940 - March 1941 (С.35)

Лист 24. Battle of the Atlantic, April 1941 - December 1941 (С.36)

Лист 25. Battle of the Atlantic, January 1942 - July 1942 (С.37)

Лист 26. Battle of the Atlantic. Charting the Bismarck’s course to destruction, May 1941 (С.38)

Лист 27. Arctic convoys. The loss of Allied convoy PQ-17 in July 1942 proved a grievous blow to morale. Almost two-thirds of the ships involved failed to reach their destination, Archangel, and thousands of tons of urgently needed materiel were lost (С.39)

Лист 28. Battle of the Atlantic, August 1942 - May 1943 (С.40)

Лист 29. Battle of the Atlantic, June 1943 - May 1945 (С.41)


The Desert War and the Mediterranean (С.42)

Лист 30. Rommel enters Egypt (С.44)

Лист 31. The Allies isolated at Tobruk (С.44)

Лист 32. The Germans press eastwards through Libya into Egypt (С.45)

Лист 33. Rommel advances eastwards, pushing the Eighth Army back toward Gazala and Tobruk (С.46)

Лист 34. The Allied stand on 26 May, with fortified keeps (shaded) scattered along the minefield (bold line) (С.46)

Лист 35. Breakout from the Cauldron (С.47)

Лист 36. The perimeter defenses are breached, and the fall of Tobruk is less than 12 hours away (С.48)

Лист 37. The successful night attack on the Italian fleet in Taranto on 11 November 1940 mounted by 21 Swordfish torpedo-bombers from HMS Illustrious (С.49)

Лист 38. A second blow was dealt to Italian naval might at Cape Matapan on 28 March 1941 (С.49)

Лист 39. The hazardous passage to Malta (С.52)

Лист 40. The German tanks advance, with Italian support (С.54)

Лист 41. The Allied retreat along the Mediterranean coast to El Alamein (С.54)

Лист 42. The first Battle of El Alamein (С.55)

Лист 43. Alam Haifa. The Axis attack on Alam Halfa failed to achieve its objectives (С.57)

Лист 44. The attack plan for corridors to be driven through Axis minefields to provide safe passage for Allied tanks (С.58)

Лист 45. The second battle saw the Eighth Army repel Axis attacks (С.59)

Лист 46. The Operation “Torch” landings (С.60)

Лист 47. The Allied push into Tunisia (С.61)

Лист 48. The Eighth Army’s attempt to progress up Tunisia’s east coast was delayed at Wadi Akarit (С.62)

Лист 49. The Eighth Army’s progress in the wake of El Alamein (С.62-63)

Лист 50. The Allied conquest of Tunisia. Bizerta and Tunis fell on 7 May (С.63)


Soviet Ambitions Betrayed (С.64)

Лист 51. The Russians breach Finland’s Mannerheim Line in February 1940 (С.66)

Лист 52. Earlier Soviet penetration in the north and east from November 1939 had met effective Finnish resistance (С.67)

Лист 53. The initial German thrusts to Moscow and Kiev (С.68)

Лист 54. A northern attack was later added to the original two-pronged assault plan (С.68)

Лист 55. Hitler finally identified Leningrad as the prime target, and it was this plan of attack that was selected (С.68)

Лист 56. The Eastern Front from the Baltic to the Black Sea, showing the relative strength and dispositions of the two protagonists (С.69)

Лист 57. The frontline moves progressively eastwards as German pressure forces Russia to yield (С.71)

Лист 58. With German assistance, the Finns established a front line to the east of their 1939 border (С.72)

Лист 59. Supply routes to the besieged city of Leningrad (С.73)

Лист 60. The German Army Group South pushes to capture the Ukraine, but is forced to withdraw to the Mius River (С.74)

Лист 61. The German assault on Moscow (С.75)

Лист 62. The Red Army launches its counteroffensive (С.76)

Лист 63. Russian territory regained by the end of April 1942 (С.77)


The Course of Global Conflict: 1939-45 (С.78)

Лист 64. European boundaries before and after Versailles (С.81)

Лист 65. Axis expansion in the late 1930s (С.82)

Лист 66. German and Italian territorial gains in 1939 and 1940 (С.83)

Лист 67. 1942 saw the high tidemark of German expansion. Allied landings in North Africa combined with the Soviet counteroffensive on the Eastern Front were to turn the tide and sound the death-knell for Hitler’s territorial aspirations (С.84)

Лист 68. Japan’s sphere of influence and activity, December 1941 (С.86)

Лист 69. Japan’s surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on 7 December 1941 raised the curtain on nine months of feverish expansion in the Pacific-yet the scale of this empire-building was destined to sap her strength (С.88-89)

Лист 70. Japan’s empire-building was finally curtailed as a two-pronged Allied offensive from the east and southwest forced a retreat (С.90-91)

Лист 71. The contraction of Hitler’s Germany (С.92)

Лист 72. Final defeat of Hitler’s Germany (С.93)

Лист 73. The reversal of Japanese supremacy in the Pacific was confirmed be the Allies’ recapture of the Philippines in early 1945. Defeat was then only a matter of months away (С.94-95)


The Japanese Juggernaut (С.96)

Лист 74. Japan’s occupied territories (С.98-99)

Лист 75. The Pearl Harbor attacks in detail (С.99)

Лист 76. The Japanese conquest of Malaya, completed in January 1942 (С.101)

Лист 77. Singapore falls in February (С.101)

Лист 78. The Japanese take Hong Kong on Christmas Day 1941 (С.102)

Лист 79. Hong Kong and the surrounding area (С.102)

Лист 80. The Japanese conquest of Bataan, completed in April 1942 (С.103)

Лист 81. Bataan Peninsula. The last US forces to hold out on Corregidor Island, south of Bataan, were finally neutralized on the morning of 6 May (С.103)

Лист 82. Japanese landings on Luzon, December 1941 (С.104)

Лист 83. Japan captures the East Indies piecemeal, 1942 (С.106)

Лист 84. The invasion of Burma was accomplished with little Allied resistance (С.107)


The Italian Campaign (С.108)

Лист 85. Sicily falls to the Allies, 1943 (С.110)

Лист 86. The main Allied landing in Italy was undertaken at Salerno by Clark’s US Fifth Army (С.111)

Лист 87. A diversionary attack at Reggio di Calabria by the British Eighth Army preceded the main attack, while a third landing was made at Taranto in the east (С.111)

Лист 88. The Germans were less prepared to yield than their former allies, finally establishing the Gustav Line as 1943 ended (С.113)

Лист 89. Initial Allied attempts to break the Gustav Line at Cassino in early 1944 met with failure (С.114)

Лист 90. The second Allied offensive on the Gustav Line was somewhat more successful than its predecessor, pushing the Germans to the Fuhrer-Senger line (С.115)

Лист 91. Anzio landings. The intention of the Anzio operation was to cut German communications by landing behind their front line (С.117)

Лист 92. Anzio landings. The Allies on the road to Rome (С.117)

Лист 93. Anzio landings. The unsuccessful Anzio landing on 22 January 1944, which left both sides in a siege position (С.118)

Лист 94. Breaking the Gothic Line, the final German defense in Italy (С.119)

Лист 95. The Allies advance into Northern Italy (С.119)


Ebb Tide in the Pacific (С.120)

Лист 96. Coral Sea was the first naval battle fought without surface vessels sighting each other (С.122)

Лист 97. The complex Japanese plan of attack at Midway involved no less than eight task forces (С.123)

Лист 98. The battle took place north of Midway and ended in decisive defeat for the Japanese (С.123)

Лист 99. Occupying the Solomons was a lengthy process that took the Allies over a year to complete (С.124-125)

Лист 100. US landings on Guadalcanal and the resistance encountered (С.126)

Лист 101. Japanese supply ships and their escorts met US Task Force 67 near Tassafaronga on 30 November 1942 in one of the many naval actions off Guadalcanal. On this occasion, the Japanese emerged on top (С.126)

Лист 102. US landings on New Guinea (С.127)

Лист 103. The opposing fleets rendezvous (С.128)

Лист 104. The course of the battle on 19-20 June 1944 (С.128)

Лист 105. The land battles for Leyte saw superior US forces emerge triumphant (С.130)

Лист 106. The sea actions comprising the Battle of Leyte Gulf resulted in a US victory despite the involvement of three separate Japanese forces (С.131)

Лист 107. The capture of Luzon (С.132)

Лист 108. Iwo Jima, a small island with immense strategic significance (С.133)

Лист 109. The invasion of Okinawa was seen as the dress rehearsal for a similar action against the Japanese home islands (С.134)

Лист 110. The Japanese homeland and (inset) the radius of US bomber operations over it (С.136-137)


Retaking Burma: The Forgotten War (С.138)

Лист 111. Arakan battles. The Allied route southwards along fair-weather tracks was hampered by enemy action (С.140)

Лист 112. Arakan battles. 5 and 7 Indian Divisions reunite after being isolated by a Japanese thrust (С.140)

Лист 113. The Chindit operations in Burma in 1943 (С.142)

Лист 114. Troop movements around Kohima (С.143)

Лист 115. The unsuccessful Japanese siege of Imphal that ended in June (С.144)

Лист 116. Operation “Extended Capital” took the Allies across the Chindwin and on to Mandalay (С.145)

Лист 117. Control of Meiktila was to prove of crucial importance in the battle for Mandalay (С.146)

Лист 118. China’s struggle to repel the Japanese invaders (С.147)


Russia Finds Its Strength (С.148)

Лист 119. The original German battle plan, with oilfields the main objective (С.150)

Лист 120. Splitting the forces to strengthen the attack on Stalingrad proved a major error (С.150)

Лист 121. The German advance southeastwards with armor and artillery (С.150)

Лист 122. The German forces attack (С.152)

Лист 123. Stalingrad’s position on the banks of the Volga enhanced its defensive capabilities (С.152)

Лист 124. Manstein’s forces are repulsed (С.152)

Лист 125. The German offensive against Kursk, launched on 5 July 1943 (С.154)

Лист 126. By 20 July 1943 German forces were in full retreat (С.154)

Лист 127. The scope of Soviet reoccupation at their western border (С.156)

Лист 128. The eventual German withdrawal was made all the more inevitable by the removal of armor and personnel to the Italian Front (С.156)

Лист 129. Supplies reached Leningrad in limited quantities through the so-called “Corridor of Death”(С.158)

Лист 130. The earlier division of the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts (С.158)

Лист 131. Final relief of the siege was achieved early in 1944 (С.158)

Лист 132. Soviet advances on a grand scale (С.161)

Лист 133. The frontiers of German occupation are pushed back (С.162)

Лист 134. Russian forces halt at the Oder prior to the final push to Berlin (С.163)

Лист 135. The western boundaries of Soviet wartime expansion (С.164)

Лист 136. The Allies drive into Czechoslovakia from all directions (С.164)


Fortress Europe Overthrown (С.166)

Лист 137. The ever-expanding operational range of US escort fighters ensured that yet more bombers would hit the target (С.168-169)

Лист 138. Nearly three million men made up the army and supporting forces ready for invasion (С.170)

Лист 139. The disposition of opposing German forces (С.171)

Лист 140. The invasion beaches (С.172-173)

Лист 141. Disposition of Allied bombardment vessels on D-Day (С.174)

Лист 142. “Anvil”, “Overlord” and the British plan over which they prevailed (С.176)

Лист 143. US troops drive the Germans from southern France (С.176)

Лист 144. Avranches breakthrough. Patton’s Third Army pours through the Avranches Gap and sweeps south toward the Loire. Inset: Pursuit and defeat of German forces at the Atlantic coast (С.177)

Лист 145. The escape route for the Fifth and Seventh German armies ended at Falaise (С.178)

Лист 146. Reclaiming France and the Low Countries, summer 1944 (С.179)

Лист 147. The Allies advance (С.180)

Лист 148. The two tactical alternatives - a strong thrust (left) and the more cautious advance actually adopted (right) (С.180)

Лист 149. Arnhem. Operation “Market Garden”, mounted against four key river bridges (С.181)

Лист 150. Hitler’s plan to split the British and US forces by making for Antwerp (С.183)

Лист 151. German breakthrough in Ardennes. The panzers break out into the Ardennes (С.182)

Лист 152. Crossing the Rhine (С.185)

Лист 153. The Allied drive into Germany halted at the Elbe (С.187)

Лист 154. The partition of Berlin (С.188)

Лист 155. Occupied Germany as it appeared at the war’s end (С.188)

Лист 156. As Berlin falls, the war in Europe comes to an end (С.189)



Атлас военных действий союзников в Нормандии

Atlas of D-Day and the Normandy Campaign. John Man. Viking. 1994


Большое спасибо Bender Rodriguez за пост на сайте Natahaus. Карты в формате DjVu. Размер файлов до 600 КБ.


Условные обозначения на картах (С.8)

1. Overlord

Лист 1. The Dunkirk Evacuation, May 1940 (С.9)

Лист 2. Operation Sea Lion, 1940 (С.10/11)

Лист 3. St. Nazaire Raid, March 1942 (С.12)

Лист 4. Operation Jubilee, August 1942 (С.13)

Лист 5. Bomber Command Targets in Europe (С.14)

Лист 6. Troop Build-up for D-Day (С.16)

Лист 7. German Deployment, May -June 1944 (С.18)

Лист 8. Invasion Coast and Radar Attacks, D-Day -20 (С.20)

Лист 9. Interdiction Bombing, May - August 1944 (С.22)

Лист 10. German Forces Deployment, 6 June 1944 (С.24/25)

Лист 11. D-Day Assault Beaches, 6 June 1944 (С.28/29)

Лист 12. German Beach Defences, May 1944 (С.30)


2. Assault from the Air

Лист 13. French Resistance Groups, Normandy 1944 (С.33)

Лист 14. Routes for Airborne Divisions, 5-6 June 1944 (С.34)

Лист 15. U.S. 82nd A/Div Drop Patterns, 6june 1944 (С.34/35)

Лист 16. U.S. 101st A/Div Drop Patterns, 6 June 1944 (С.36/37)

Лист 17. Sixth Airborne Division, 5-6 June 1944 (С.38)

Лист 18. Pegasus Bridge (С.39)

Лист 19. Operation Neptune (Naval) - D-Day (С.40/41)


3. Walk-Over at Utah, Bloodshed at Omaha

Лист 20. Operation Neptune (Convoy Routes) (С.42/43)

Лист 21. Utah Beach Landings (С.45)

Лист 22. Utah Beach (С.47)

Лист 23. Utah Beach, 24.00 hours (С.49)

Лист 24. Omaha Beach (С.50/51)

Лист 25. Assault on Omaha Beach (С.52/53)

Лист 26. Omaha Beach Cross Section (С.53)

Лист 27. Omaha Beach, 24.00 hours (С.56/57)


4. Gold, Juno, Sword: The Struggle for Footholds

Лист 28. British Beaches, Initial Assault (С.58/59)

Лист 29. Seaward Defences (С.60/61)

Лист 30. British and Canadian Advances (Gold, Juno) (С.62/63)

Лист 31. Sword Beach, 24.00 hours (С.67)

Лист 32. British Beaches, 24.00 hours (С.70/71)


5. Deadlock at Caen

Лист 33. Allied Bridgeheads (С.72/73)

Лист 34. The Allied Front, 10 June 1944 (С.74/75)

Лист 35. The Allied Front, 13 June 1944 (С.76/77)

Лист 36. Villers-Bocage, 12-15 June 1944 (С.78)

Лист 37. Mulberry Harbor at Arromanches (С.84/85)

Лист 38. The Great Storm, 20 June 1944 (С.86)

Лист 39. American Mulberry Harbor at St-Laurent (С.86)

Лист 40. Rear Maintenance Area, August 1944 (С.87)

Лист 41. Capture of Cherbourg, 3-30 June 1944 (С.89)

Лист 42. Operation Epsom, 24-30 June 1944 (С.90/91)


6. Breakthrough, Break-Out

Лист 43. The Allied Front, 17 June 194-1 (С.98)

Лист 44. Advance and Capture of St-Lo. 24-30 July 1944 (С.101)

Лист 45. The Allied Front, 30 June 1944 (С.100/101)

Лист 46. Operation Charnwood, 7-9 July 1944 (С.102)

Лист 47. Attacks in the Odon Valley, 10 July (С.103)

Лист 48. Operation Goodwood, 18-21 July 1944 (С.105)

Лист 49. The Pluto Pipeline (С.106)

Лист 50. The Allied Front, 24 July 1944 (С.110/111)

Лист 51. Operation Cobra, 25-31 July 1944 (С.113)


7. Falaise: "A Sight that Pierced the Soul"

Лист 52. The Allied Front, 31 July 1944 (С.116/117)

Лист 53. Operation Bluecoat, 29 July - 6 August 1944 (С.119)

Лист 54. Mortain Counterattack, 7-8 August 1944 (С.121)

Лист 55. Operation Totalize. 7-11 August 1944 (С.122)

Лист 56. Operation Tractable, 14 August 1944 (С.124)

Лист 57. The Envelopment, 1-16 August 1944 (С.124/125)

Лист 58. The American Breakout (С.125)

Лист 59. The Falaise Pocket, 13-19 August 1944 (С.128/129)

Лист 60. The Liberation of Paris, 14-25 August 1944 (С.134)

Лист 61. Europe, 1 September 1944 (С.135)



Лист 62. Military Cemeteries and Monuments (С.136)

Структура командования (С.137)

Хронология (С.138)

Названия операций (С.139)



Военные действия на юго-западе Тихого океана, 1941-1945 гг.

Engineers of the Southwest Pacific, 1941-1945, vol. 1. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Office, 1947


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Карты из этого издания в формате JPEG можно найти на сайте библиотеки University of Texas at Austin, а также на сайте Map Archive.


[DjVu] [HTML] Условные обозначения на картах

Лист 1. Philippine Islands 1941 (С.4)

Лист 2. General Map of Campaign on North Luzon and Bataan, 8 December 1941 - 9 April 1942 (С.12)

Лист 3. Disposition, Bataan Defense Force, 6-16 January 1942 (С.16)

Лист 4. Second Battle of Bataan, 15 March - 9 April 1942 (С.22)

Лист 5. Base Section Map of Australia (С.36)

Лист 6. Southwest Pacific Theater of Operations, 26 July 1942 (С.38)

Лист 7. Comparative Areas of the United States and the Southwest Pacific (С.40)

Лист 8. Airfields, Northern Territory (С.46)

Лист 9. Inland Ferry Route and Military Highway System (С.46)

Лист 10. Oil Storage Installations under Construction in Australia, 1942 (С.54)

Лист 11. Australia, Strategic Road Net, 1943 (С.56)

Лист 12. Planned Japanese Attacks in Papua, 1942 (С.64)

Лист 13. Orientation Map, Papua, 1942 (С.74)

Лист 14. Original Japanese Landings, Milne Bay, 25 August 1942 (С.76)

Лист 15. Principal U.S. Combat Engineer Operations Prior to the Attack on Buna, New Guinea, September - December 1942 (С.76)

Лист 16. The Capture of Buna, 15 December 1942 - 3 January 1943 (С.80)

Лист 17. Airfields, New Guinea Area, 1 August 1943 (С.84)

Лист 18. Allied Offensive Plans, 1943-1944 (С.90)

Лист 19. Nassau Bay-Salamaua Operations (С.102)

Лист 20. Lae-Finschhafen Operations (С.106)

Лист 21. Arawe-Cape Gloucester Operations (С.118)

Лист 22. Saidor Operations (С.120)

Лист 23. Principal Operations, 1 January 1943 - 2 January 1944 (С.120)

Лист 24. Advance Area Airdromes, 31 January 1944 (С.122)

Лист 25. Closing the First Allied Pincer, December 1943 (С.142)

Лист 26. Admiralties, Plan of Battle (С.150)

Лист 27. Orientation Map, Hollandia-Aitape Operations (С.156)

Лист 28. Hollandia, Plan of Battle (С.158)

Лист 29. Aitape, Plan of Battle (С.164)

Лист 30. Wakde, Plan of Battle (С.174)

Лист 31. Biak, Plan of Battle (С.178)

Лист 32. Noemfoor, Plan of Battle (С.182)

Лист 33. Sansapor, Plan of Battle (С.186)

Лист 34. Morotai, Plan of Battle (С.188)

Лист 35. Harbor Facilities, Advance Bases, 10 October 1944 (С.198)

Лист 36. Advance Area Airdromes, 1 October 1944 (С.198)

Лист 37. U.S. Army Oil Storage, Advance Bases, 1 October 1944 (С.198)

Лист 38. Location Map, Engineer Depots and Dumps, 1 October 1944 (С.200)

Лист 39. Leyte, Philippine Islands, The Sixth Army Plan (С.206)

Лист 40. Leyte Operations, 20 October - 2 November 1944 (С.208)

Лист 41. Leyte Operations, 3 November - 11 November 1944 (С.218)

Лист 42. Tactical Airfield Construction, 1942-1943-1944 (С.226)

Лист 43. Operations Map, Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, 9 January 1945 (С.228)

Лист 44. Floating Bridge Installations, Lingayen to Manila, January - February 1945 (С.238)

Лист 45. Borneo Landings, 1 May - 1 July 1945 (С.290)

Лист 46. Tarakan Operations, 1 May - 21 June 1945 (С.292)

Лист 47. North Borneo Operations, June - July 1945 (С.292)

Лист 48. Balikpapan Operations, July 1945 (С.298)

Лист 49. Airfield Locations, Okinawa, 31 December 1945 (С.306)

Лист 50. U.S. Army Oil Storage, Philippine Islands and Borneo, 1 September 1945 (С.314)

Лист 51. Harbor Facilities, Philippine Islands and Borneo, 31 August 1945 (С.314)

Лист 52. Airfield Locations, Northern Philippines, 31 August 1945 (С.314)

Лист 53. Airfield Locations, Southern Philippines and Borneo, 31 August 1945 (С.314)

Лист 54. Location Map, U.S. Engineer Depots, 1 September 1945 (С.314)

Лист 55. Planned Assault on Japan (С.318)

Лист 56. Airfield Locations, Japan and Korea, 31 December 1945 (С.334)

Лист 57. Philippine Campaign, 1944-1945 (Приложение V. С.347)



Советско-Германская война 1941-1945: Мифы и реалии

The Soviet-German War 1941-1945: Myths and Realities. David M. Glantz. Clemson, South Carolina, 2001


Карты в формате DjVu. Размер файлов до 400 КБ.


Лист 1. The Summer-Fall Campaign of 1941, 22 June - December 1941 (С.18)

Лист 2. The Winter Campaign of 1941-42, December 1941 - April 1942 (С.29)

Лист 3. The Summer-Fall Campaign of 1942, May-October 1942 (С.37)

Лист 4. The Winter Campaign of 1942-43, November 1942 - March 1943 (С.47)

Лист 5. The Summer-Fall Campaign of 1943, June - December 1943 (С.59)

Лист 6. The Winter Campaign of 1943-44, December 1943 - April 1944 (С.68)

Лист 7. The Summer-Fall Campaign of 1944, June-October 1944 (С.78)

Лист 8. The Winter Campaign of 1945, to April 1945 (С.88)

Лист 9. The Berlin Operation, 16 April - 8 May 1945 (С.97)

Лист 10. The Prague Operation, 6-11 May 1945 (С.100)



Крупнейшее поражение Жукова:
Катастрофа Красной Армии в операции Марс 1942 г.

(Д. Гланц. - М.:АСТ, 2006)

Zhukov’s Greatest Defeat: The Red Army’s Epic Disaster in Operation Mars, 1942 (David M. Glantz. University Press of Kansas, 1999)


Карты в формате DjVu. Размер файлов до 200 КБ.


Лист 1. [Обозначения] Летне-осенняя кампания, май-октябрь 1942 г. (С.2)

Лист 2. [Обозначения] План советской стратегической наступательной операции, 26 сентября 1942 г. (С.4)

Лист 3. [Обозначения] Операции «Марс» и «Юпитер»: Ржевско-Сычевская операция, 25 ноября - декабрь 1942 г. (С.6)

Лист 4. [Обозначения] Диспозиция на 24 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Сычевки (С.8)

Лист 5. [Обозначения] Диспозиция на 24 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Белого (С.10)

Лист 6. [Обозначения] Диспозиция на 24 ноября 1942 г.: сектор р. Лучесы (С.12)

Лист 7. [Обозначения] Диспозиция на 24 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Молодого Туда (С.14)

Лист 8. [Обозначения] 25-27 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Сычевки (С.16)

Лист 9. [Обозначения] 28 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Сычевки (С.18)

Лист 10. [Обозначения] 26-27 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Белого (С.20)

Лист 11. [Обозначения] 28-30 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Белого (С.22)

Лист 12. [Обозначения] 25-30 ноября 1942 г.: сектор р. Лучесы (С.24)

Лист 13. [Обозначения] 25-27 ноября 1942 г.: сектор Молодого Туда (С.26)

Лист 14. [Обозначения] 29 ноября - 5 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Молодого Туда (С.28)

Лист 15. [Обозначения] 29 ноября - 1 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Сычевки (С.44)

Лист 16. [Обозначения] 1-6 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Белого (С.46)

Лист 17. [Обозначения] 1-11 декабря 1942 г.: сектор р. Лучесы (С.48)

Лист 18. [Обозначения] 7-10 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Белого (С.50)

Лист 19. [Обозначения] 11-16 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Белого (С.52)

Лист 20. [Обозначения] 2-10 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Сычевки (С.54)

Лист 21. [Обозначения] 11-14 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Сычевки (С.56)

Лист 22. [Обозначения] 7-23 декабря 1942 г.: сектор Молодого Туда (С.58)

Лист 23. [Обозначения] Итоги операции «Марс» (С.60)

Лист 24. [Обозначения] Зимняя кампания, ноябрь 1942 г. - март 1943 г. (С.62)


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